* I think there is an interesting question on why Republican Presidents seem to have difficulty getting their Supreme Court justices to vote the party line, but this opinion writer handles the discussion in a stupid, butthurt way. [Washington Post]
* Your Tweets can be subpoenaed. #Biglawdiscoverytactics. [Atlantic Wire]
* Rutgers-Camden Law seems to be having trouble filling its seats. Maybe that’s why they’ve started admitting people who didn’t even apply. [Tax Prof Blog]
* If you spend over $100K for a J.D. and then end up working at Axiom, you’ve probably lost. [Law Technology News]
* Here’s a nice little chart made with Chambers numbers to tell us which firms seem to be staffing up. The takeaway is that in addition to your studies, you should be spending enough time in the gym so you look pretty enough to work at Davis Polk. [WSJ Law Blog]
* A Blawg Review that pays homage to Lyndon Baines Johnson. I read that LBJ used to take meetings while he was on the crapper. You probably couldn’t do that today without somebody suing you. [The Defense Rests via Blawg Review]
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Tags: Axiom, Chambers, Davis Polk, Discovery, John Roberts, LBJ, Non-Sequiturs, Rutgers Camden, Rutgers School of Law - Camden, SCOTUS, Twitter